January 16, 2014

Water Sustainability – Less Intensive Crops

For the last two years this area has suffered meagre rains during the yearly monsoon. Now that farmers have planted their crops for the coming season it is sad to report that even now there are farmers who insist on planting at least one rice crop before the heat sets in at the end of February, beginning of March. As reported in Tehelka at this link here in an excellent article entitled “WATER SCARCITY TN WILL FACE CRISIS, WARN EXPERTS ,” 

“ . . . area of concern is the over-exploitation of groundwater in many places. According to experts, farmers took to cultivating water-intensive crops and indiscriminately exploited groundwater for irrigation, which has led to a steep fall in water table in many places. Many wells have run dry in Coimbatore and adjoining Districts.” 

Agriculture accounts for 85-90% of the total use of water in Tamil Nadu. By the judicious planting of less water intensive crops and gaining a 10% reduction in the agricultural sector, would considerably ease the impending water shortage situation. 

In respect of the above the below extract from 'Report on Rain Fed areas by the Planning Commission, New Delhi,' is very relevant and is definitely something that needs to be considered by local Government. 

“The most important aspect of groundwater is that it is a common property resource, the means of access to which is privately owned. We generally access groundwater through private wells and tubewells. But withdrawal of water from our source can adversely affect the water in our neighbour’s water source. Depending on the hydrogeology of the watershed, the question “who is my neighbour?” gets answered. If the watershed is in an alluvial tract, for example, my deep draw of water can affect a farmer even hundreds of metres away. Thus, how farmers decide to collectively manage the groundwater resources of the village could have a deep bearing on how long groundwater survives. It could actually determine the entire efficacy of the watershed programme. Indeed, one could go as far as to say that sustainable and equitable management of groundwater could be the key area of rural governance in the 21st century 

The unique aspect of the situation is that water below my land is not "mine". Groundwater is a non-stationary, "fugitive" resource that merges into water under another's land in a fluid sort of way. By lowering the depth of his tubewell, my neighbour can squeeze all water out of my well. Without proper collective arrangements for groundwater use, there tends to be an infinite regress of competitive extraction, with farmers outbidding each other in depths of drilling. Competitive extraction of groundwater leads to disastrous outcomes, the worst of which are observable in coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, for example. Here, saline ingress of sea-water poses a virtually irreversible environmental hazard for farmers who have engaged in competitive pumping of groundwater.” 

The above is particularly relevant nowadays in Tiruvannamalai now that contractors have been given Local Government permission to undertake industrial level sand quarrying in several major water catchment areas in the city. As to the possible complications such injudicious radical excavations will make in the long term to the water supply of the town cannot be assessed at this time. Certainly it makes very good sense to halt all sand quarrying in this area while an independent water survey under judicial oversight could be undertaken. 

Anyhow on to happier subjects, the photographs accompanying this posting were taken a few days ago of ladies planting an onion crop for a local farmer. As it is the auspicious time of Pongal I am also posting recent photographs of the countryside surrounding the Hill. 

Arunachala Pongal 2014

Village Ladies planting onions

The Ladies

January 15, 2014

Real Estate Market

The below is an extract of an article which recently appeared in an Indian National newspaper and could be of interest to those building and renting in the Tiruvannamalai area. In previous years many investors have built homes in this place, with the idea of renting to either middle class Indian earners or visitors from overseas. However with recession prevalent in many Western countries and a resulting decline in the number of visitors to this country, it is perhaps important for the Tiruvannamalai property investor to remember that prices should reflect the purchasing/rental power of the buyer/renter. 

Oversupply affects real estate 

High price points and sticky borrowing costs have weakened buyer sentiment in the commercial and housing markets but realtors hope that since pent-up demand has increased over the three year slowdown in demand the first quarter of 2014 could see an upturn. 

However for now there are about 11.09 million homes lying vacant in 2012-13 according to the Ministry of Housing and urban poverty alleviation. In the commercial space vacant premises range between 12-22 per cent in different cities, according to property analysts. 

Specialists in real estate have noticed a decline during the third quarter in 2013, as corporations focused on consolidating and downsizing their real estate portfolios, and/or relocating to peripheral markets. 

While this has contributed to rental stability in most markets in recent months, subdued demand and high vacancy levels led to a steep decline in office space supply during the last quarter, weighing on future investment plans. 

Even investments in the real estate sector have slowed down across segments, resulting in stagnant construction activity. 

House Construction Costs

Many people interested in purchasing houses in the Tiruvannamalai area, are under the mistaken belief that house prices will reflect this rustic area. Nothing could be further from the truth. In Tiruvannamalai and what is regarded in State demographics as a "backward area," prices are in no way backward. Unfortunately even though building artisans and workers are now demanding salaries comparable to the metro areas of Chennai, their standard of work is no better than one would expect of a quiet village spot. Thus it is commonplace for people with the financial means to actually import craftsmen from Chennai, Pondicherry and Kerala for various projects including house building, bamboo work, and speciality crafts such as lime work and mud work. 

The photograph of the recently completed house shows a newly constructed home of 720 sq feet (compound size 900 sq ft) built from standard material that cost a staggering Rs.10 Lakhs (not including plot cost). A house of comparable size and material could have been built even three years ago at a cost of only Rs.6 Lakhs. The increase in material cost and wages has now made the price of house construction in this area start from a low of Rs.1,000 a square foot to up to Rs.2,000 a square foot for homes made from with more expensive materials. 

December 3, 2013

Adiannamalai House -- More Photographs

The below photographs are more of the Adi Annamalai house of which I posted at this link here and here. Construction of the house has been nearly completed with finishing work remaining for electrical fittings, second coat of paint and the gate at the front of the house. 


Hall with bedroom doors and kitchen at end

The 2 bedrooms leading off from Hall

Inside Bedroom

Inside bedroom looking out to Hall

Shelving inside a bedroom

Front of House, waiting front gate

Side view of House, gate and 2nd coat of paint remaining to be completed

November 23, 2013

Adiannamalai House Photographs

The below are photographs I recently received of a new house currently under construction at Adiannamalai. To view an earlier post go to this link here, and to check out the house specifications go to this link here

The house faces east and is on the left side of the girivalam pathway as you are going around clockwise. It is located about a 100 yards from the girivalam roadway, to which it has direct road access. The house is under a five minute walk from Adiannamalai Temple. 

Right click on photographs below to view enlargement

The front will be closed off with wall and gate

House has hall and 2 bedrooms

Finishing touches to Kitchen

Plenty of shelf space in rooms

Hall with kitchen at end

October 15, 2013

Act for Seed & Food Freedom

There is already a link on Arunachala Land for the website of Dr. Vandana Shiva. If you are interested in the agricultural independence of India, visit her website to find out more about the excellent work her organisation is engaged in regarding the protection of biological diversity. The organisation Navdanya is actively involved in the rejuvenation of indigenous knowledge and culture and in creating awareness of the hazards of genetic engineering. It is also in the forefront of defending people's knowledge from biopiracy and food rights in the face of globalisation and climate change. 

As well as the website there is also a Navdanya Blog with regular updates and information at this link here. 

Traditional farming in South India

Navdanya is a women centred movement for the protection of biological and cultural diversity. The organisation has recently been engaged in a civil movement (October 2nd to October 16th, 2013) known as the “Act for Seed and Food Freedom”.

For information on this, watch Dr. Vandana Shiva’s below Video.

Leaders of Big Agriculture are determined that world's populations remain ignorant about the serious health and environmental risks of genetically modified crops and industrial agriculture. Deep layers of deception and corruption underlie both the science favoring GMOs and the Corporations and Governments supporting them. 

Watch the below video, “Seeds of Death,” which exposes the truth about GMOs and pulls back the curtains to witness the planet's future if Big Agriculture's new green revolution becomes the dominant food supply. 

September 30, 2013

Tiruvannamalai Puja Flowers

Certain trees and shrubs considered sacred in that their flowers are used in worship, are currently being planted throughout the Tiruvannamalai area.

On a personal note I would consider that the most sacred of trees and shrubs would be those that are not picked throughout the flowering season and used for such worship. But thats just my personal opinion!

Below is a list of some of the trees that are specially planted in this area so that their flowers may be used in worship:


Mimusops Elengi (Maghizham)
Aegle Marmelos (Vilvam)
Couroupita Guianensis (Magalingam)
Saraca Asoca (Asoka)
Anthocephalus Cadamba (Kadambam)
Pterocarpus Marsupium (Vengal)
Syzygium Cumini (Maaval)
Prosopis Cineraria (Vanni)
Madhuca Longifolia (Illupai)
Ficus Benghalensis (Aal)
Ficus Religiosa (Arasu)
Azadirachta Indica (Vembu)
Bauhinia Tomentosa (Aathi)
Myctanthes Arbor Tristis (Pavazha Malli)
Butea Monosperma (Palasu)
Plumeria Rubra (Malai Arali)
Tecomelia Stans (Manjarali)
Cassis Fistuila (Sara Konnai)
Guetarda Speciosa (Panneer Poo)
Calophylum Inophyllum (Punnai)

Photographs of flowers from some of the above trees

Saraca Asoca (Asoka)

Anthocephalus Cadamba (Kadambam)

Calophylum Inophyllum (Punnai)

Couroupita Guianensis (Magalingam)

Madhuca Longifolia (Illupai)

Mimusops Elengi (Maghizham)

Aegle Marmelos (Vilvam)

A list of shrubs that are specially planted so that their flowers may be used in worship are as follows:


Cascabella Thevitia (Ponnarali)
Merium Indicum (Arali)
Ervatamia Divaricata (Mandhiavattai)
Hibuscus Rosa-sinensis (Semparuthi)

September 15, 2013

House for sale, adjacent Samudram Eri

This is a new property, which has just been constructed in an area off the Perumbakkam Road and is about 1½ kms west of Ramana Ashram. 

Plot Size: 20' x 50' = 1000 sq.ft. plot area, 2000 sq.ft of construction. 

Details: Duplex hall: 20'x20', 3 bed rooms, 2 attached baths, 1 com bath, kitchen, underground meditation hall, car parking, com utility space, good darshan of Arunachala, Pyramid roof, modular kitchen, cupboards in each room.

Water: 320' deep 6" diameter bore well with 1.5 hp submersible pump, u.g water storage sump 20000 litters cap, etc. 

The house is ready for purchase and occupancy. For more details please get in touch with me at the email address located at the top left of this page.

September 14, 2013

Adiannamalai House specifications

As promised in the previous posting of a house (currently under construction) for sale in Adiannamamalai, below is a plan of the house plus specifications. 

For any more details please get in touch via my email contact at top left of this page.

Right click for enlargement

Total plot area = 938 square feet

The building size = 20’ x 27’ 

Porch 14’ x 6’ = 624 sq. ft. 

Two bed rooms, one hall, one kitchen, one com bath and toilet

Stairs to open terrace 

Borewell 320' deep 6" diameter: Borewell with 1 hp submersible pump 

Framed structure, Vengai wood main door, inside flush doors

Al. fab windows, 2 'x 2' vertified tiles, in and out Emulsion paint, Kundan electrical fittings. 

P.V.C. sanitation. 500 litre overhead tank

September 12, 2013

House for Sale, Adiannamalai

I took the below photographs yesterday of a house currently under construction. The house is a few minutes walk from Adiannamamalai and it is expected to be completed within the next two months. 

The house will have one larger bedroom, guest bedroom, bathroom, hall/living room and kitchen. A bore well has already been drilled and there is abundant sweet water. 

Photograph taken yesterday September 12, 2013

The Civil Engineer in charge has built many Arunachala homes

Lady with pink blouse is standing where verandah and front door will be

Septic tank side of house. Boundary marker top right corner of tank.

Construction will be completed in two months

Arunachala darshan taken from house

This adorable budget home is the first one in the plot project. The land of which, is currently being sold at the rate of Rs.500/- per square foot. I will have house plans and specifications within the next couple of days. 

The price is firm and set at Rs.15 Lakhs. If you wish me to send you further details including plan and specifications of house, email me at top left address of this page. 

August 10, 2013

Compound Available for Lease

Today I visited a very lovely Compound belonging to a local Trust which is comprised of a beautiful meeting hall, several accommodation cottages, several separate accommodation rooms, a kitchen, office rooms, an agricultural well, two independent bore wells and three acres of gardens with a beautiful view of Arunachala. 

The Trust is ready to discuss with a group or organisation the possibility of leasing out the property for some years. 

For more details and photographs please email me direct at the contact email logo located at the top left of this page. 

Entrance to Compound
Large Meeting Hall
Arunachala from Compound

Accommodation Cottage

July 22, 2013

Duplex (2 Apartment House) Available Vediappanur Road

I have been asked by readers to start posting information about available houses and land in the Arunachala area. So here below are details of a completed Building for sale on Vediappanur Road, close to the girivalam roadway, Tiruvannamalai. 

Darshan of Arunachala from Vediappanur

Vediappanur is an area about 4-5 kilometres west of Ramana Ashram and is a peaceful, professional area populated by both Indians and non-Indians. 

Recently completed Duplex

Information about the recently completed duplex (house with downstairs and upstairs apartments are):- 

1. Total Area of site 2400 sq.ft. 
2. Constructed area on Ground Floor 1300 sq.ft. 
3. Constructed area on First Floor 1300 sq.ft. 

Receiving finishing touches to garden

4. Three face Electricity connections 2 numbers. 
5. Good Borewell with 1.5 H.P submersible motor. 
6. Front and Rear Gardens. 
7. Excellent darshan of Arunachala from west side of house. 

Excellent Arunachala Darshan in area

For more details of this newly built duplex, please email me at address located top left of this Blog page. 

July 7, 2013

Jackfruit Tree

The Jackfruit (Palapazham in Tamil) is a species of tree of the genus of the Mulberry family. It is believed to have originated in the Indian southwestern rain forests. Archeological findings have revealed that the Jackfruit Tree was cultivated in India 3000 to 6000 years. Although the Jackfruit Tree is well suited to tropical lands, with careful tending it can also grow in Tiruvannamalai District. I first learnt of this surprising fact some years ago visiting a friend’s house and noticing a very handsome, fruit laden tree in their small compound situated near Thiruvoodal Street, near the busy part of town. 

The Jackfruit is a huge tree that grows to as high as 30 meters, higher than the mango tree. During the season, each tree may bear as many as 250 large fruits making them the largest tree-borne fruits in the world. The fruit varies widely in size and weighs from 3 to 30 kg, and has an oblong or round shape measuring 10 cm to 60 cm in length and 25 cm to 75 cm in diameter.

Jackfruit Tree

In South India two varieties of Jackfruit predominate: varikka and koozha. Varikka has a slightly hard inner flesh when ripe, while the inner flesh of the ripe koozha fruit is very soft and almost dissolving. 

The fruits’ outer surface is covered with blunt thorns like projections, which become soft as the fruit ripe. Its interior consists of orange-yellow coloured edible bulbs. Each bulb consists of sweet-flavored sheaths that enclose a smooth, oval, light-brown colour seed. 

The spiny outside reveals the fruit bulbs inside

The fruit is cut in a similar fashion as larger fruits like watermelon. White, gummy latex oozes from the cut ends even in ripe fruit but to a lesser extent than in the unripe ones. The latex problem can be overcome by applying coconut oil on the hands or by rubbing the cut sections with fresh cut lemon. The thick rind that runs through the middle of the fruit is then removed, and the whole section is twisted few turns in order to loosen individual bulbs. 

The seeds from ripe fruits are edible and said to have a milky, sweet taste. They may be boiled, baked or roasted. When roasted the flavor of the seeds is comparable to chestnuts 

Succulent Fruit

The wood of the Jackfruit Tree is used for the production of musical instruments, furniture, doors, windows and in roof construction. 

Seeds of Jackfruit with protective skins

This species can expand naturally because its fruit, once it falls to the ground and opens; is eagerly eaten by small mammals. The seeds are then dispersed by these animals, which allows the Jackfruit to compete for space with other tree species. 

--- oOo ---

Jackfruit in Mythology 
Lord Shiva while on a hunt happened to hear a sweet voice in the jungle. He was surprised to find that it belonged to a tribal girl, "Koolivaka", a girl of immense beauty. The solitude of the forest area and beauty of the girl, made the Lord lustful. He informed Koolivaka of his wish and told her to wait for him until he returned from his hunt. 

Koolivaka, who was a devotee of Parvathi prayed to the Goddess to save her from the predicament of displeasing her by having a relationship with Lord Shiva. The Goddess revealed to Koolivaka that in a previous birth she was Mansawini, a servant in the retinue of the Goddess. One day the serving girl happened to breast-feed baby Lord Vinayaka. Parvati angry that a servant should feed her baby, cursed her to be born in a outcaste family. But to lessen the curse, Parvati set out that her servant while being fated to be born a chandala would get the opportunity to breast-feed the son of Shiva. 

Devi told the girl that she herself would take on the form of Koolivaka and deceive Lord Shiva. She also informed Koolivaka that the son born from the deceitful union would grow up to be the killer of Jalandhara, a powerful Asura. 

Thus the Goddess in the form of Koolivaka started swinging on a creeper attached to a Jackfruit Tree and waited for the arrival of Lord Shiva. A child with divine power was born through this holy union. Lord Shiva arranged a buffalo for the protection of the child. This divine child who came to be known as "Chathan" was given to Koolivaka to raise. Vishnu Maya or Chathan is a concept in Hinduism that refers to the power to create illusions. Koolivaka thus became the mother of Chathan, son of Lord Shiva fulfilling the boon of Parvathi. 

After spending years with Koolivaka, Chathan riding on a buffalo started on a journey to Kailas. When he was about to reach Kailas he realised that Nandikeshwara would not allow him to enter Kailas in his present form. So he took the form of Lord Vishnu. On seeing their son, Shiva and Parvathi were very happy and hugged him. Lord Shiva blessed him saying, "You invoked the form of Vishnu by Maya. So you will be known as Vishnu Maya." Fulfilling his destiny, Chanthan challenged the Asura Jalandhara to battle, and defeated him. After his victory, Chathan returned to his native place to live among the poor to who he offered his protection. 

 --- oOo ---

The Jackfruit is one of the three auspicious fruits of Tamil Nadu, along with mango and banana, known as the mukkani. These are referred to as ma-pala-vaazhai (mango-jack-banana). The three fruits (mukkani) are also related to the three arts of Tamil (mu-Tamizh). 

June 24, 2013

Silk Cotton Tree

Bombax Malabarica or Silk Cotton Tree (Ilavam, Pulai) is a genus of tropical trees of the Mallow family. It is a reddish, silky tree which belongs to the family of Malvaceae. The genus is best known for the species B. Ceiba which is widely cultivated throughout South Asia. As the tree does not fare well in arid climates, to grow in this area it needs careful attention. It can be seen at several areas at Tiruvannamalai. 

The Silk Cotton is a tall handsome tree which can grow up to a 100 feet in height. The tree forms a straight bole with horizontal or upward branches that grow in regular whorls, tier above tier, like a gigantic upside down candelabrum. The trunk and branches are usually covered with conical thorns especially when young. Thorns on older trees are often absent. 

The leaves of this tree fall off just before it flowers. The flowers are 6 to 7 inches long and are up to 7 inches wide. They are borne solitary or in clusters at or near the ends of the branches. The flower consist of five satiny, red, scarlet, or sometimes white petals. Intense blooming of this tree lasts around 29 days. The fruit contains small brown black seeds embedded in white cottonwool; when the trees’ pods burst open, the cotton is carried in the air and the seeds fall and propagate both by air layering and also by bird dispersal. 

This tree is immensely popular with many species of birds such as: Bulbuls, Mynahs, Sunbirds, Flower-peckers and Crows who are all attracted to the nectar of this trees’ flowers. 

Flowers in full bloom

The Red Silk Cotton has many valuable ethno medicinal and ayurvedic uses. 

Some of which include: 
Root: Diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes, scorpion sting and snakebite, brain tonic 
Stem and Bark: Bacterial, viral, heart tonic, kidney stone, easy delivery 
Gum: Asthma, dental caries, scabies, dysentery 
Leaves: Glandular swellings, rheumatism Flower: Anemia, Colitis, internal bleeding 
Fruit: Anti-fertility agent Fruit and Heartwood: Anti-diabetic, snakebite Seed: Chicken pox and small pox Spines: Skin troubles, headaches 

This tree is also widely used commercially for timber, packing boxes, floating logs for fishermen and gum utilised in both the cosmetic and food industry. 

Photograph showing branch arrangement

There are many myths, legends and traditions associated with this large deciduous tree. In one such myth, the tree is said to be the tree of infernal region and the thorny appearance has led it to be called as Yamadruma, the tree of Yama (the Lord of Hell). Its cuplike flowers are considered sacred to Shiva. When the tree is in full bloom it is compared to Lakshmi, the goddess of good fortune, standing with her arms outstretched and a lit oil lamp on each palm. 

Red Vented Bulbul drinking Nectar

One myth of this tree can be found in the Mahabharata and goes like this: Tale of the Tree During their exile in the forest the Pandava brothers worked in the forest, hunting, clearing and gathering fuel. At night the wife of the Pandava brothers would massage one of her husbands after their heavy workday. One evening Bhima deciding to trick Draupadi, brought in a log of Semal (tree name in Hindi) wood to his room, put it in his bed and covered it. Bhima hid outside to watch the fun while someone called Draupadi to the room. 

Draupadi began massaging Bhima, remarking how tired he must be as his body and knotted muscles felt very hard. Continuing to massage her husband, Draupadi asked several times whether he was satisfied with her work. Receiving no answer and loosing patience, she finally snatched away the sheet off the form in the bed, and found that it had been covering not her husband Bhima, but a log of wood. She cursed the wood from that day onward that the wood would grow thorns always. 

After Draupadi left the room, her husband climbed back, picked up the log of wood and took it outside to open land and planted it. Whereupon it grew into a tall tree with thorns on its trunk.