April 18, 2011

5 acres near Perubakam

This land is located about 2 kms from the rustic area of Perubakkam.

The 5 acre patta agricultural land is located from Arunachala by road about 7-8 kms and as the bird flies, about 5-6 kms from the Hill.There is a good direct access road to the land.

The land in this posting is 5 acres and adjacent to a small Temple Shrine dedicated to the Goddess. Also adjacent to the land is the start of a large tract of protected reserve forest.

Edge of well viewing boundary with
Temple and priest cottage

The land is owned by a lady who has not cultivated due to personal circumstances. The land has a well and plentiful sweet water.

For information as to pricing, please get in touch at the ‘contact me’ facility on this blog.

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